Monday 7 March 2016


Lim Kit Siang

Prime Minister Najib Razak in his recent comment on Dr Mahathir’s move to work with the oppositions as a very big mistake. It is not only unacceptable and therefore inexcusable when Dr Mahathir with his son and Muhyiddin are alongside with Lim Kit Siang. DAP who has been the primordial political enemy to UMNO/BN and never forgetting that Kit Siang was and has always been Dr Mahathir’s fiercest critic.
Some may regard that it is beyond anyone’s comprehension but many has demonstrated their displeasures and dismay when Dr Mahathir stooped himself so low willingly to be with Kit Siang and without realising that Kit Siang has made Dr Mahathir ‘kowtow’ to him, therefore it is a very BIG mistake.
Najib Razak is just not about UMNO but he is the President and leading 13 other components political parties in Barisan Nasional through out Malaysia comprising its strongholds from Sabah and Sarawak.
Yes PM Najib, you are absolutely correct when you said it as a very big mistake and lest shall we forget what is Dr Mahathir to DAP… For the past 22 years during Dr Mahathir’s tenure as the Prime Minister, many would ask if DAP had anything nice to say about him and his administration?
UMNO is inspired as a Malay nationalism political party that upholds the dignity of religion, race and its country and was carried through during Dr Mahathir’s 22 years presidency. During the time, DAP is not only UMNO’s and Dr Mahathir’s political rival but their worst enemy.
Since its inception, DAP struggled for the establishment of a socialist Malaysia who opposes the Malays and Bumiputera special rights and vehemently rejects the one-language, one-culture and one-religion system adopted and practiced by the BN government lead by Dr Mahathir.
DAP as a dominant non-Malay political opposition party in Malaysia from the post-independence era till to-date, rejected the declaration of Malaysia as an Islamic state that was announced by Dr Mahathir himself in 29 September 2001, as well as the policy on the absorption of Islamic values in the administration but instead strongly favor that Malaysia is a secular state.
The famous quote by the DAP MP Jelutong Karpal Singh who had openly declared that any move to transform Malaysia into an Islamic state would only happen over his dead body is still remembered to this day.
In the year 1987, several of DAP leaders including Kit Siang, were arrested by the government under the “Lalang Operation” on grounds that they were a threat to national security, and it was consented by Dr Mahathir during his tenure. To Kit Siang, in any attempt by Dr Mahathir to evade responsibility on this is as good as talking rubbish.
The DAPs also claimed that Dr Mahathir is suffering from selective amnesia during his testimony in the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the V. K. Lingam video and is always capable of telling downright lies.
Those are some of DAP’s major political rendition and has always regarded Dr Mahathir as the creator of all the problems and distructions that Malaysians inherited today. Kit Siang and his DAP has always regard Dr Mahathir to indulge into gutter-politics of the most despicable and immoral kind, disseminating lies and falsehoods but today both seems compromising them.
During the Gelang Patah general election campaign, Kit Siang wanted to see Dr Mahahtir to live to his 100th to see the end of his own Mahathirism but today it has taken into places much sooner than Kit Siang’s prayer. DAP has been harping that Dr Mahathir’s presence to jointly campagined for BN in the last general election and his appearance in several states caused BN to lost them.
To DAP, the gravity of the nations oppressions is Dr Mahahtir’s financial scandals during his 22 years premiership. DAP has vowed to reveal them when UMNO/BN is booted our from power in Putrajaya. Kit Siang had even wrote in his statement to name the RM30 billion Bank Negara foreign exchange losses scandal on what was undoubtedly as the biggest financial scandal in the nation’s history.
Kit Siang once levelled Dr Mahathir’s criminal elements in the forex scandal to former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak who was sentenced to life imprisonment and agreed that there should be a Royal Commission of Inquiry into all his scandals naming from Maminco-Makuwasa Affair (1981), the BMF scandal (1983), Perwaja Steel (1982 – 1995), The 1994 Malaysia Airlines System (MAS) scandal.
Dr Mahathir abusing his position as the Prime Minister to help bail out his eldest son Mirzan from corporate failure is no stranger to DAP. In early 1998 Petronas purchased Konsortium Perkapalan Bhd (KPB). The Petronas-controlled national shipping carrier, Malaysian International Shipping Corporation Bhd (MISC), was instructed by Dr Mahathir to acquire KPB’s shipping assets with cash said to amount to RM1 billion.
There are many more of Dr Mahahtir’s financial scandals of which most were raised by Lim Kit Siang for convictions of overstepping of power, falsification of accounts, “creative accounting”, misinformation, breach of trust and corruption. Kit Siang has also suggested that due to all these scandals, it is actually Dr Mahathir’s worst nightmare and most afraid of.
Once again, PM Najib is accurate to say that Dr Mahathir’s move to work with the oppositions as a very big mistake but the grave mistake will be severly impacted to the opposition alliances. For that we are grateful to Kit Siang too.