Tuesday 1 March 2016


When Dr Mahathir first announced his resignation as President of UMNO, Malaysians were very shocked and there were some who are willing to shed tears. Then, failing to take control over Pak Lah’s administration, he announced to quit UMNO and it gained the attention and concerned of the majority members and as a result, Pak Lah relinquished his presidency in the party.
For the second time and what most considered as his stale tactics, Dr Mahathir declared leaving UMNO once again as it is anticipated and sought by many. This time around it failed to give much impact either to friends and foes as most sees it as Dr Mahathir’s big lost to the uphill battle against Prime Minister Najib Razak.
In politics, the best tactics to oust your opponents is by surprise and with unexpected strategies that no one would even think of it when there is no way it will be counter attacked. But once you repeat the same strategy, it will be a backfire.
Dr Mahathir repeated his phrase as a protest to the President when he once again left UMNO but this sulking old man knew very well he has lost in many ways despite the support from the oppositions. His utmost failure is when he is supported by outdated and heavy baggaged frontliners.
Although Ling Liong Sik was acquitted of charges of having cheated the government in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) land deal, but is seen my many as a corrupt minister during his tenure. Ku Li who was once Dr Mahathir’s worst enemy and almost defeat him in the party election but now they are in the same team will only contribute to a more mucky business in Malaysia politics.
Sanusi Joned was never regard as an outstanding politcian but just another grumbling old man full of rethorics. One of the most detestable choice is Khairuddin whom everyone knew is load of drama and surfaces for every cheap stunts. Even his reports to the anti-graft agency is fake when MACC confirmed nothing was lodged and received from Khairuddin.
The worst of all, when Dr Mahathir included Muhyiddin and Shafie Afdal to be in his frontline. Both are sidelined by their own party members eventhough at the initial stage they managed to split the party members confidence. As time goes by and when the table turns, they are seen as a real pain in the arse to UMNO that need to be taught a lesson. First Muhyiddin and Shafie were dropped from ministerial cabinets and later Muhyiddin is suspended from his Vice-President position until the next party election.
The real blow to Dr Mahathir’s failure is when he has to witness how his son was removed to head Kedah by the states representations unanimously.
Dr Mahathir went to the extend to lable UMNO as Najib’s owned party when he could no longer have any grip. The latest when almost all of the supreme council members have toed the line to be with the President and not siding Muhyiddin.
It is neither that Dr Mahathir has win the battle nor the war when his ship is sinking even further that he is now in dire need to call for his enemies backups. As a partyless individual, Dr Mahathir is open to be accepted by any political party but is it worth it?
Dr Mahathir is not just about politics and noting that most of these senior opposition politicians have personal vendettas against him. Would they willingly forgive and forget him when some are his draconian ISA victims? Will politician like Anwar and his family ever accept Dr Mahathir who once casted them away?
Kit Siang may never forgive Dr Mahathir and it will stay forever but as long as Dr Mahathir is in the same bucket to go against UMNO and the President, he is ever more than willing to lick his own faeces and conveniently forget the past. Then that will be the end of the Chinese trust in DAP.
Most of the oppostion veterans knew that Dr Mahathir has too many skeletons hidden in the closet and thus a liability to them. With Justo’s confession to our police, Repco Low 5 years prison for manipulating the stock market and probably his son’s on going investigation on money laundering, Dr Mahathir’s move to close ties with the opposition is seen only to save his own butt.
Therefore, in either way Dr Mahathir has lost his battle and the war too. Many would thanked him for his move to leave UMNO as the party unification will be made through crises and shall be at their strongest level ever.